Losing Weight As A Couple

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Losing Weight As A Couple

If you and your love both desire to lose some weight, why not unite in the desire and start Losing Weight As A Couple?

Weight loss diet plans for couples present a few benefits, though there does exist
Weight loss as a couple
traps to guard against.

 Here are some things you should remember before you begin a weight-loss regime that includes your companion.

The Problem:

Know, You Are Different:

Losing weight as a couple, or with a close friend, may improve your prospects for victory, or it can cause problems between you even if you are thinking alike where proper diet and physical exercise is concerned, weight loss partners will still find anomalies that will try the link between them.

For instance, if one of you takes on the task of food policemen, meaning you monitor every bite of food your partner consumes, this will get annoying quick. Weight loss partners must respect each other!

If you use your companion's slips as a reason to dodge staying on your weight loss diet plan, neither of you will make any significant headway in your attempt to lose weight.

Losing Weight as a Couple: Blame Mother Nature

Maybe one of the most apparent disadvantages to losing weight as a couple is the issue of biological differentiation separating women and men.

For male/female couples, comparing your weight on the bathroom scales can produce frustration, for the female in the pair, since it is easier for guys to drop a
Weight loss is easier for men than women
few pounds and not gain it back.

Where weight loss programs for couples are concerned, the male can consume a more significant quantity of food than females without gaining, or losing any weight by eating less.

Ordinarily, men are bigger, so they can have more calories.

On any diet plan to lose weight, even if the male and female are of comparable size, the man usually can lose weight without cutting as many calories as the woman. This edge in burning calories is because of extra muscle, which increases metabolism.

We also need to acknowledge the reality that the weight a woman loses may not be seen on the bathroom scales as soon the weight her male partner has lost.

When women shed weight, a few pounds of it is water. Guys have more water in their bodies, and this enables them to drop weight quicker.

Accordingly, if you are a female and your weight loss companion is a male, do not to become disheartened if he appears to be losing more weight faster than you are.

Establish your own weight loss diet plan to lose weight and hold to it, and permit your companion to do the likewise. Reinforce one another without judging.
Support your dieting partner, do not criticize

Shedding Pounds as a Pair: 


Whatever healthy diet plan you and your partner choose from all the weight loss programs for couples that are on the market, there are some  fundamental guidelines that you will want to follow:

• Choose a well-balanced, healthy diet program that aids weight loss and promotes dining pleasure.
• Eat no less than one-thousand-six-hundred calories per day. Extremely low-calorie weight loss plans create muscle loss, which reduces your metabolic pace and they do not have the necessary nutrients required for good health.
•Be a grazer; regular eating improves the burning of calories.
• Think about joining a gym for work out purposes. This will help you develop muscle and increase metabolic rate.

Losing Weight As A Couple: Exercise:  Learn To Earn

Exercise burns calories, and that is the reason why food and health specialists promote it for weight loss.

However, opposite-sex couples also must careful when it comes to exercise because of physical differences.

Working out to lose weightMost think that vigorous exercise might be an act of futility for females as far as losing weight is concerned.

When guys add additional exercise to their daily routine, the weight loss occurs because their bodies do not say, let's eat, as a woman's body does when she works out.

Studies show that women who worked out extra hard hoping for additional weight loss ate the necessary calories to make up for those they burned off while exercising.

Losing Weight as a Couple: Checking Your Weight:

Should you weigh yourself each day while you are dieting? Yes!
Weighing yourself every day can help your waistline; however, it may not help your relationship.

Studies conducted by the University of Minnesota analyzed the weigh-in methods of about eighteen-hundred men and women who were attempting to shed some weight and found that those that weighed themselves every day shed nearly twelve pounds over two years, while those who got on the scales only once a week dropped only six pounds.

The research also showed that those weighing in every day were less prone to gain back the lost weight.

However, as explained earlier, women shed weight slower than men which can make everyday weigh-ins discouraging for women that have opposite sex diet partners.

Losing Weight as a Couple: No Eating Because Of Your Emotional State:

Do you desire chocolate if you are bored, depressed or sad? Maybe your dieting partner hits the couch and begins to watch their favorite TV show while
Eating because of our emotional state
munching on a sack of chips following a tough day on the job.

Perhaps you and your opposite sex diet partner think an excursion to the all-you-can-eat buffet as a means to alleviate tension.

It is normal for individuals to eat because of anxiety, hurt feelings or depression. If you view food as a comfort, it is challenging to quit eating whenever you are full or not eat consolation foods.

If you do not use food to raise your spirits, it can be challenging to know why your dieting companion gets comfort from consuming one to five candy bars or a large dish of ice cream.

Here are a few ideas to aid you and your dieting partner evade emotional consumption of food:

  • Inform your partner if you sense an eating binge is about to start. When possible, go for a bike ride or a walk together. Informing your partner will help you not to think about food!
  • Create a note about non-food related things you can do as a couple or alone if you feel the need to drown your difficulties in food.
  • Be attentive to food and mood links throughout your day. Keep a journal, recording everything you eat, when you eat it, and your emotions at the
    Record what you eat when dieting

On Your Own:

Receiving reinforcement from a diet buddy assists you to carry on when you would like to omit your everyday workout and have fries and a double cheeseburger.

However what occurs when you want to change and you and your partner are not on the same page, or they break your joint arrangement to eat healthier and spend more time working out?

Couples eat in agreeable models that they have formed through years of being a couple. When one of the two abruptly interrupts this well-known model, it upsets the other one.

Any shift in eating customs can generate hurt feelings, fear, and anxiety. It may seem to your dieting partner they are being left out of the method, or they might be intimidated by your progress.


No badgering your partner so they will join you in your weight loss journeyIt is important to be faithful to self and not begrudge your significant other for not joining in. You can ask your friends or family to assist you in producing changes to your diet by joining in, however, do not anticipate them doing this.

If you have decided to shed a few pounds and your opposite-sex partner does not
desire to join in:

  • Speak candidly with your spouse or companion regarding what you intend to do, and request their help
  • Assume accountability for yourself alone
  • Concentrate on your personal weight loss journey to achieve your goal
  • Do not let other people's lousy eating practices cause you to fail
  • Do not lecture, or harass your partner to help you by joining in

If you are overweight, take responsibility for your own health and do what is necessary to round yourself into shape!

Wishing you a great day, John Printman, founder of Weight Loss Help For All.

Watch Video-Couple Loses 400 Pounds Together

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Before beginning any new diet and weight loss program talk with your physician and clear any exercise and/or diet changes with them before beginning. I am not a doctor or registered dietitian. I do not claim to cure
Founder of Weight Loss Help For All
any cause, condition or disease.I do not provide medical aid or nutrition for the purpose of health or disease and do not claim to be a doctor or dietitian. This is merely an opinion blog. The information held on this blog is solely the opinion of a laymen individual.

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